How do you prepare your child for the arrival of a brother or sister?

How do you prepare your child for the arrival of a brother or sister?

Expecting a baby is an exciting moment, not only for you as parents, but also for your first (or perhaps also second) child! Some children can find this very exciting. What is the best way to prepare your child for this? We are happy to give you some tips!

How do you tell the big news?

Telling the news about the arrival of a brother or sister is a special moment that can be tackled in various ways, depending on the age and understanding of the child. The conversation can be started with a simple and cheerful announcement, such as: "We have very nice news, you get a brother or sister!" 

To make it more concrete, an ultrasound photo can be shown and explained that this is a photo of the little brother or sister in Mama's belly. For older children, a more interactive approach, such as a treasure hunt with instructions that lead to the ultrasound photo or a small gift related to the role of big brother or sister, can make the news more exciting. 

It is important to offer space for questions and emotions of the child and to take them seriously. Involving the child in preparations can also help create enthusiasm and a sense of solidarity.

Buy baby clothes and baby accessories together

It is especially important to take your child with you in the preparations, so that he or she can already create a bond. For example, look for fun together baby clothes And let your child help you make outfits. How nice is it if the baby will soon have one of the outfits that have been selected by you? 

For example, look for a cute bodysuit that has been chosen entirely by the big brother or sister. Or let them put together an outfit that consists of several items. 

In addition to baby clothing, you can also look for Baby Accessories. Think of blankets, hair bands or toys! This way you really give them the feeling and space to create a bond before the baby is born. 

If you are already picking something for the baby, it is also so nice to let them choose something for themselves. Bee Superstellar You can easily succeed for both newborns and older children. Discover our collection on the webshop or visit our store!

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