Cookie Statement

Coccinelle Online B.V. |.
Karel Doormanstraat 12 |
3012 GJ Rotterdam | KVK 62852248


1. Mapping website visits


A cookie is a small text file that is stored by the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone the first time you visit this website.
Superstellar uses different types of cookies on its website;

  • Functional cookies: These are cookies with a purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly. For example, your preferred settings can be remembered. They also allow us to optimize our website and services through the website.
  • Analytical cookies from third parties: These cookies can track your browsing behavior. These cookies are there because we use Google Analytics.
  • Tracking cookies: These cookies are placed by a third party. By reading the cookies, the advertiser recognizes you when you visit a site it is also involved in. If you continue browsing, personalized ads may be shown. These cookies can also track your browsing habits, allowing a very specific profile to be built by these parties. This profile can be so detailed that it constitutes personal data.

Cookie notification and what if you don't like cookies

During your first visit to our website we have already informed you about these cookies and asked your permission to place them.
You can opt out of cookies by setting your Internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete any information previously stored in your browser settings. If you would like help with this, please contact us at Before contacting us, please check the help function of your browser.


2. Cookie overview

Cookie name, cookie type, cookie purpose and retention period

The website of Superstellar uses different types of cookies which are listed in the table below.
In total there are on 39 different cookies present. The following cookies are used when visiting the website of Superstellar placed on the visitor's hard drive.


Cookie name Type Function Retention Period

Analytical Google uses the _ga cookie to give the website administrator a view of visitor flow. The _gat cookie is used to limit the number of requests to the analytics service. 2 years
1 minute
25 hours

Functional These cookies are set by and ensure that the website functions optimally. End of session
2 years
6 months
End of session
End of session
End of session

Tracking These cookies are set by and track the visitor when they visit the website. The visitor is then shown personalized advertisements on other websites. 2 weeks
13 months

Analytical / Functional and Tracking These are cookies placed by Google for the use of Google Maps and Google Adwords. Among other things, preferences per visitor are stored, they protect against unauthorized access and they show which media used by Google Adwords is effective. 2 years
2 years
6 months
2 years
2 years
2 years
3 months
1 month
24 hours

Analytical / Functional and Tracking Facebook uses a variety of cookies. Collected user data is customized specifically to the user or device. The user can also be tracked outside of the loaded website, creating a picture of the visitor's behavior. 4 months
2 years
3 months
2 years
3 months
2 years
4 months
End of session
End of session
2 weeks
Analytical / Functional and tracking These cookies are set by They analyze users and give each user a unique ID. The optimizely cookies are used to do A/B testing among users. For example, visitors are shown a different variant on the website. If it turns out that one of the variants works better, they can choose to make that variant generic. 1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
10 years
10 years
10 years



3. Google Analytics


Through our website, a cookie is placed from the company Google, undoubtedly known to you. These cookies are part of the ''Analytics'' service. -We use this service to examine how you as a visitor use our website and Google provides us with insightful reports about this.
Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or if third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Superstellar has no influence on this. We have not allowed Google through the terms and conditions to use the obtained information for other Google services.


Superstellar has entered into a processing agreement with Google. The information collected by Google is anonymized as much as possible and stored for a maximum of three years. This also masks your IP address so that your location is not traceable.



4. Third party websites and changes

This privacy and cookie statement does not apply to third-party websites linked to our website. It is for Superstellar not possible to guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable and secure manner. However Superstellar to ensure the same level of security for your data.
Always consult the privacy statement of these websites before using them.
This cookie statement is subject to change. In the event of a change, you will be asked for your consent to the installation of the modified cookies. The current version of this cookie statement is dated 25/05/18.


5. Data viewing, modification or deletion

Your rights

You have the right to view your personal data, submit a correction request or request deletion of your data.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the data processing of Superstellar have, please send a request to
Superstellar wants to be sure that the request for inspection is made by you. That is why we kindly ask you to send a copy of your ID along with your request for inspection, correction or removal. To protect your privacy Superstellar that in this copy your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport numbers and Citizen's Service Number (BSN) be blacked out.
Superstellar will respond to your request as soon as possible but in any case within four weeks.


6. Right to complain

Internal handling

If you have complaints about the way (personal) data is processed, the following will help you Superstellar to help you resolve them in mutual consultation. In the first instance, please address your complaint to

Personal Data Authority

Under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Authority about our processing of your personal data. You can contact the Personal Data Authority for this purpose. More information about your right to complain can be found on the website of Authority via

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